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Rosie Clark

Be  More You


Support for...

 Stress  Burnout  Identity Issues  Depression Anxiety Low Confidence    Self Esteem  Existential Issues  







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Online counselling for...
People like YOU

Issues I can help with


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar


I help people who feel they have lost their way in life.


 Areas I work with include stress, burnout, imposter syndrome, anxiety and depression. 


In “The top five regrets of the dying” by Bronnie Ware,  the number one regret of people on their death bed was listed as:


 “I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”


This is a tragedy in so many ways and I am committed to helping you find ways to live life on your own terms.


I will use my professional skills and knowledge as a fully qualified and experienced therapist to support you as you navigate your way back to a life that suits YOU

Please get in touch

My Approach

I am an accredited counsellor with the BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy). The accredited status is awarded to experienced therapists who have successfully undergone a rigorous assessment process focusing on counselling practice, professional development and ethical thinking.


I am qualified in person centred counselling, this means I believe that given the right conditions, anyone can reach their full potential and become their true self and I will work with you to facilitate this transformation.


I use a variety of other therapeutic approaches, in particular a way of working known as ACT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The aim of this approach is to help you live alongside the full range of your thoughts, feelings and emotions more easily, allowing you headspace to discover and focus on what you value in life.


I limit the number of people I work with in order to provide an extremely personalised approach to each of my clients. This allows me to devote time away from our sessions to benefit the work that we do together.


my approach
Common workplace issues

Is this You?


"If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be"    Maya Angelou


Are you 


wanting explore you thoughts, feelings and ideas in a safe supportive environment? 


wanting to make changes?


curious about what life could be like ?


interested in refocusing your life to align with your values?


Living in today's society can be challenging. The demands and challenges of life can weigh heavy on us. Life has a way of surprising us with its twists and turns and dealing with uncertainty and change can be hard.  



The focus of my work is self acceptance, I help people be Ok with who they are.


My aim is to help you regain your self belief and self confidence and reconnect with your life and who and want matters to you,


Please contact me to start the process of change







Is this you?
Issues I can help with
What to Expect


I offer all clients a free, no obligation, 15 minute video call


II see clients during the daytime or evenings, Monday to Thursday. A session with me will last for fifty minutes and usually we would meet once a week. I work predominantly online, however on occasions, I can offer an initial face to face to face meeting at the offices I use in Chester City Centre 


My fees are £60 per 50 minute session.


How therapy progresses varies tremendously from one person to another, but typically our sessions might work as outlined below:


Our initial sessions will usually focus on what has brought you to therapy at this point in your life. 


In subsequent sessions, we will look at what life is like for you now and identify the main issues you are facing at work and in your personal life,  as well as examining how your feelings and emotions are affecting you.


Armed with this knowledge, we will work to identify what is important to you and gain clarity about your values. We will then examine your  professional and personal life against these values to see what aligns and what might need to be changed. Finally we will move on to look at how you can make the necessary changes in your life.



How long this will take is very personal. we need to reflect on your past experiences in order to reshape your "Now", as well as working on developing a future which will provide you with a greater sense of fulfilment, purpose and contentment.

What to expect in therapy
Rosie Clark, online therapist for midlife career issue

About Me

Prior to retraining and qualifying with a MSc in Counselling Psychology in 2013, I had a twenty year career in management and leadership in universities, as well as a brief spell in the pharmaceutical industry.


Since qualifying I have worked in Local and national charities, a university  and a couple of private therapy businesses. I am especially proud to have worked at NAPAC, the National Association for People Abused in Childhood.


My enthusiasm for the focus of my work is born out of my client work and my own experience of stress and burnout.





Qualifications and awards



BACP Accreditation (2019)

MSc in Counselling Psychology (2013)

Extended Diploma in Management and Leadership (2012)

about me
Reconnect with your passion and purpose

Contact Me

Whether you have experienced therapy before or not, I know starting with a new therapist can be feel quite daunting. If you have any questions please get in touch.



I will acknowledge your message as soon as I can.  I offer a free 15 minute conversation by video so we can both see if we feel we can work together.







Thanks for submitting!

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